Saturday, April 5, 2008

False Promise

Sometimes I drive by her lane
And ask her to hop in and chat-
She stares hard at me and yells
Shoo- you aint getting that,
But yes, she is my friend,
Also that I must make some amends!

Sometimes ago she had climbed in
Into the car, admiring my things,
And did that too, you know what
When I asked, happily she said yes,
She liked to be with her friends
But my car was a thing she always

Craved to be in, for she stood
At the corner, forever waiting
Looking for someone to do it good
For this, and more of that thing
Every time at the back of the car
I guess I had to take her a bit too far-

I guess she had taken a fancy to me
My waving at her, and she was happy
Obligingly she would get into the car
Asking to be driven quite far
Leaning into each other, of ecstasy
And that glint of desire I could see-

You know my car is usually dirty
She would stare at the dirty mess
She would clean it up, and the popcorn
Made me a little full of happiness
And snuggle closer, without preamble, before long
And she sang sometimes, a dreamy song

And then one day, as I passed her by,
Not really meaning that, not really knowing why
I looked away and did not wave, I never cared
I knew she looked my way and hard she stared
With a bit of the tears I had never seen
It was just that my car was new and clean!

So now, when I drive by her lane
And ask her to hop in and chat-
She stares hard at me and yells
Shoo- you aint getting that,
But yes, she is my friend,
And also that I must make some amends!

Oh yes, this is like
Missing out on the turn off in the day
And driving into the sunset
In the loser’s highway!


paisley said...

she sounds kind of lost... but i don't think id call either of them a loser....

Gemma Wiseman said...

Almost get the feeling the car is your closest friend. Almost like a security blanket when other friendships don't exqactly pan out.

Almost as if there is a small fear of close friendship. And that is not being a loser. It is being uncertain.


Jeques said...

I can sense a certain loneliness in this poem ~ there is sadness in your voice, and it is affecting.

The part, "loser's highway" seems off though. Life, like the plot of this poem, is unfinished until we say it is. Driving into the sunset, doesn't make one a loser. I think you could still consider revising that part.

Loser's Highway is very poetic though, I think it's just a matter of how you're going to use it to mean something in a line.

I wish you well.

~ Jeques

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Hey, Lion. Thanks for stopping over today!

I like this poem. I remember when I went through a similar phase in my life -- on both ends. Those amends can be hard to make, but they're worth it.

anthonynorth said...

Best thing to remember in the bad times is that there's only one way, and it's up.
Good poem.

Tumblewords: said...

Neat words - full of imagery and yearning thoughts - love it1

little wing writer said...

ahh, this is a great story!!.. reminds me of my older brother and his car.. it's all about the car in those days... makin it in the car is a sorta human ritual don't you agree.. making amends absolutely whenever we are able...